Thursday, October 16, 2008 many of us have them?

friends...the ones you can depend on

remember that whodini song?

man, again i have to thank god for my peeps. y'all be looking out for me like i don't know what.

deo's crazy ass took me out to the Roxy the other night to see some wack ass band, took me to his office to see how he's been vandalizing his coworkers' offices', fed me snacks, went to a sushi restaurant with me when he doesn't even like sushi, and hooked me the HELL up with a ton of dvds for my trip.

mona picked me up one night and took me shopping for shoes and boots. y'all know i don't know how to shop, so it was a huge help. she even offered to ship stuff back to DC for me since i'd overpacked. oh...and she took me to PINKBERRY. for this, mona will always be wearing an imaginary crown that only i can see.

ami is the shiznit for hooking me up with tons of stuff for the trip and laying down the law as far as what to pack and what to leave. (sorry i didn't get to call you)

chiaki is awesome for always finding out info for me, reminding me of how not to lose my shit (as in my mind) and always being there to help and talk when i'm stressed.

i want to put all my friends in my back pocket...

and sit on them.


Blogger Chiaki said...

aw eby. I wish we fit in your pocket too, but I have to consider that option really hard if you are planning to sit on us....also, can I have noodle soup in your pocket?

8:49 AM  
Blogger Yonas H. said...

OMG, look how happy you are in that Pinkberry picture. Wow.

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait, isn't deo japanese...he doesn't like sushi, at all? fo real?


12:14 PM  

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