man, i been dancing my ass off.
the past week of teaching classes, raqs sahara rehearsal, teaching a 2 hour workshop, being "the bellydancer" at a couple of vodka promotion events over the weekend, and working it out at the gym left me sore and barely able to walk up stairs and...almost nodding off while driving. not complaining, though, it is fun, and i'm not really dancing my ass off, it is still intact :)
yesterday and today i get to rest, but it all kicks back in like a turbo booster tomorrow and at a higher gear. i got all kindsa work to do. including 3 days of getting my butt kicked by the indigo workshops.
i really need a vacation. by this time last year i had gone to vegas, grand cayman and was packing for winter music conference in miami. i got nothing, i need to GIT.
p.s - come to fire in the belly 2 at palace of wonders this wednesday. we are a group of dancers, fire artists and more performing for kaihea who is in a battle with cancer. not only is it a great thing to support, but this show is going to be crazy fun.
do you get free vodka for being "the bellydancer"?
you know, i didn't even ask...
cant come see the show tonight as I have a class/rehearsal... Have fun!
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