Tuesday, July 31, 2007

ebonys top 4 wack internet jamz

okay, yonas told me to do this. so blame him.

i'm going to start with the BEST or the wackest internet jamz that i have discovered and enjoyed and then whittle down.

1. Why Must I Cry
by the ever talented rehdogg. the song is awful, yet catchy. i often find myself singing "whymusticrywhymusticrywhy". bonus is that rehdogg has included his deeply emotional lyrics in the comments section on youtube. super bonus is you get to see him showering with a loofa. super super bonus is that i swear at :30 he is washing his ass. needless to say, he has disabled comments.

2. Lay Your Body Down
by R-DE. the acting in this video is deliiiiciously funny. so is the fact that this R-DE has an extremely attentive body guard/chauffeur/butler. just you try to resist his sultry glances, grimaces and moves. you will be singing "lay your boday next to my bodaaayaayyy" in no time.

3. Chocolate Rain
by TayZonday. lord have mercy. one day i logged onto youtube to find that the front page had been hacked and there was nothing but Chocolate Rain and lots of parody's and remixes of the song. there was one with McGruff singing it, one with Darth Vader singing "Chocolate Reign", a white boy singing "Vanilla Snow" etc. this guys voice is really deep and he makes funny faces while he sings. the background music sounds almost like the tune from the Halloween movies. also check out Tay's karaoke version of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up". good stuff.

4. Leprachaun
Okay, in order to find this funny, you have to have seen this. It's really funny, albeit in a slightly sad way. Things that put me over the edge was the guy who says "who else seen da leprachaun say yeah" and then grins at the camera in his special way, the amateur sketch, the "crackhead" theory, the special leprachaun flute passed down from "thousands of years ago by my great great grandfather"...Okay, now watch and listen to the song.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so I only saw R-DE and the leprechaun.
R-DE, is it a skit? He can't be for real? I mean is he wearing a towel with those tiny man teets? What is that thing on his head? What the hell is going on here?

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You loooooooooooooove Tay.

3:02 PM  

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