Tuesday, August 29, 2006

year of the monkey

me and the monkey (gianmaria) celebrated our one year anniversary last week. who can believe that? not us.

he was all fidgety about what he was "supposed to do" for an anniversary. i had to break it down and tell him that you're not "supposed" to do anything. we do what we want. and we did.

we did stuff like eat indian food, then we stood in line for an hour to try to see Beirut but that ish sold out. we found our friend suzie at a bar and ended up kicking it with her, then we wound up at the 18th Street Lounge. it was packed, but it was a really fun night of running into old and new friends. our friends' band, See-I, was playing on the deck. i think everyone in DC must have been trying to be on that deck. luckily, i took off work the next day, and we had more fun.

my friend from high school (Rashida) and her boyfriend came up from North Carolina for her thirtieth birthday. her mom put together a surprise party for her. her dad fired up the grill for the party. daaaaaaaang that was good. later that night a group of us had some fun in adams morgan.

all of gianma's friends had a belated birthday dinner for him on sunday. we went to Sake Club. it was delicious! i took no pics because i dropped my camera at Madam's Organ the night before and thought i had broken my memory card. fortunately, it just wasn't loaded correctly.

yesterday we went to the Maryland State Fair. yaaayyy! my favorite part is always the petting zoo.

in other news, yesterday i looked at my calendar and to my surprise...for more than a week i don't have to do ANYTHING after work. no classes, no rehearsals, no shows, no appoinments, no NOTHING. squeeeee!!!!!

who wants to play?


Blogger Kumie said...

Kumie wants to play. Yay Kumie! Yaaaaaay.....

5:17 AM  
Blogger Ebony said...

are you making fun of my "yays"? huh? huh?

8:43 AM  
Blogger Kumie said...

no ways

2:19 PM  

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